The Big Book of Relational Goodness

Practical resources for developing and deepening your three relationships.


PASSION - Jesus is the center of my life.
  1. Thanks Journal: Start a daily journal and write down all the great things God has done for you and your loved ones.
  2. Treasure Chest: Get/make a treasure box and place it in a prominent place in your home. Whenever God does something cool or miraculous in your life, write it down and put it in the chest.
  3. Meditate: Start each day in a quiet place and just think about God’s goodness and other attributes. Dwell on who He is and what He has accomplished.
  4. Imagine and Share: If there were no obstacles and resources were not an issue, what would you hope to accomplish for Jesus in your life. Write it down and share it with three people in your life.
  5. Read a Biography: Find the life story of someone sold out to Jesus and read it.  Jim Elliot, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Mother Teresa, Louis Zamperini, Elizabeth Elliot, Eric Liddell.
  6. Competition Discovery: Spend some time reflecting on what or who in your life is competing with Jesus for your affections.  Eliminate the competition! (Properly, of course!)
  7. Ask God:  Ask God to give you the passion for Him that you seek. Do this on a regular basis through prayer.
  8. Read His Stories:  Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and/or John in the Bible.  Reflect on the life and habits of Jesus. Maybe write down the stuff that impresses you about Him.
  9. Sing Praise Songs: Get by yourself and sing songs of praise to Him.

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SCRIPTURE - My life is directed by the Bible.
  1. One Year Plan: Use a Bible App on your phone and read through the bible in one year. Apps: Read Scripture, Bible by You Version
  2. Sermon Notes: Take your sermon notes each week and study the scriptures presented in the sermon each day.
  3. Listen to the Bible: Get a copy of the Bible on CD or digital and listen to it daily.
  4. Two Questions: Pick a book of the Bible (Maybe Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) and read one story or section each day. Answer these two questions in a journal, 1. What did I learn about God and 2. How will my life be different because of it.
  5. Storytelling: Learn to tell Bible stories like Jesus. It will grow your bible knowledge and usability.  Go to Saturation Global or email Jim Thurber:
  6. Practical Verses: Find verses that address areas of need in your life (anger, fear, worry, etc.). Print them out and post them where you’ll see them daily (bathroom mirror, desk, etc.). Review them and pray over them until memorized.
  7. Scripture Rewrite: Rewrite a story or scripture in your own words.
  8. Pick a Podcast:  Find a podcast that is based on the Bible and listen regularly.

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PRAYER - Conversations with God overflow to every area of my life.
  1. Prayer Rocks: Put prayer items on rocks and hold them in your hand each morning as you pray one at a time for each one.
  2. Prayer Walk: Find a secluded place where you can walk and talk with God without being interrupted.
  3. Coffee Time with God: Over coffee,  journal your prayer time. If you’ve got a smartphone,  search for responses from God in the form of bible verses and add them to your journal in a different color.
  4. P.R.A.Y.: Use this acronym to pray. Praise, Repent, Ask for others, Your own needs.
  5. Prayer Jar: Make a jar, display it in your home or office.  When God answers a prayer, write it down and put it in the jar.
  6. Mapping Prayers: Use a map or globe to pray for various places in the world.
  7. Prayer Calendar: At the beginning of each month, fill out a black map with an ideas/person/organization to pray for each day.  
  8. Prayer Call: Have a weekly prayer phone call with someone.  Make it the same person or make it a different person each week.
  9. Song Prayer:  Take a favorite praise song and pray the words out loud to the Lord. Interact with Him on how you live or want to live the words out.

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OBEDIENCE - I listen to the Holy Spirit and obey.
  1. Confession Retreat: Get away to a private quiet place for a few hours and ask the Lord to convict you of areas that are not aligned with His character. Write them down.
  2. Share with a Friend: Get alone with a mature follower of Jesus and share with them where you struggle to obey God.
  3. Weekly Walk: Set aside a time each week that you can go for a walk and talk to the Lord without being interrupted. Ask Him where you need to obey Him more.
  4. Captive Thoughts:  Explore areas where your thoughts are not what God would want them to be.  Memorize 2 Corinthians 10:5.
  5. Talent Search: Inventory the talents and gifts God has given you.  Now find ways you can use them to obey God, not just further your goals and desires.
  6. Not That!: You know there’s something God has been telling you to do or stop doing for quite some time.  Take care of it!
  7. Spirit Study: Find a Bible Study or podcast about listening to the Holy Spirit. Work through it and apply it to your life.
  8. Bad Example:  Read the story of King Saul in 1 Samuel chapters 9-31.  Observe the different ways he disobeyed God, made excuses and the consequences he suffered.

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IDENTITY - I understand who I am in Christ and live accordingly.
  1. Identity Study: Find a resource like and study who the Bible says you are in Jesus.
  2. Ask 3 People: Find three people who know you well, are committed to your success and will tell you the truth.  Ask them to use three words to describe the best of who you are. Write them down and look for ways to live them out more.
  3. Take an Assessment:  Take one of the many assessments available (MTBI, DiSC, PRO Development™, etc.) and discover some new things about yourself.  Make a list of ways God can use a person like you in His kingdom.
  4. Bible Character: Find a character in the Bible who you think is similar to you in a few ways.  Study who they were and how God used them to change the world.
  5. I Am Weekly:  For 7 consecutive days take 10 minutes out of your day with a journal and ask the Lord, “Who am I?”  Write down what you think He may be saying to you. Share it with someone when the 7 days are up.
  6. Your Name: Research the origins of your full name.  Explore how the meanings line-up with the identity of a believer in scripture.   (ex. Stephanie means crowned – a privileged and royal position and responsibility)
  7. Ephesians Exploration: Read through the book of Ephesians in the Bible.  Write down every title or description given to a follower of Jesus.
  8. 30 Days of Prayer: Ask God every day for 30 days to share with you who you are to Him.  Write what you hear/discover in a journal.
  9. Critical Question: Spend time pondering this question.. When you look at your life to this point, in what areas has God produced most spiritual fruit through you? Take notes.

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ACCOUNTABILITY - I allow open and honest feedback in my life.
  1. Weekly Meet: Find 2-4 people of the same sex and meet each week to discuss specific areas in your lives that you are working on becoming more Christ-like.
  2. Similar Struggle: Find someone of the same gender who is struggling with the same things you are in life and meet with them for prayer and mutual encouragement.
  3. Read Together: Find someone or some people who have similar struggles as you and together, read a book on the subject matter.
  4. Practice Vulnerability:  Practice being recklessly honest about areas of doubt, shame and regret with another person.  Use discernment about what details and with whom to share.
  5. Stop, Start, Continue: Ask people you trust to answer these questions about you: What should you stop doing?  What should you start doing? WHat should you continue doing?
  6. Workshop Learning: Find a workshop or class on how to have difficult conversations or on conflict resolution.
  7. Blame Breaker:  Avoid placing blame on others, even when it might be their fault.  Think through how you affected the situation, even if it was in a small way.
  8. I Said It: Do what you say you will do and do it in a timely fashion.  Hold yourself accountable to the things you have committed to do.

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GENEROSITY - I use my time and treasure to further the Kingdom of God.
  1. Church Giving: Choose a percentage of your income and give it to your local church each week.
  2. Kiva: Go to Give to individuals around the world and help them learn trade, get out of poverty and pay back the loan.
  3. Financial Peace University: Take this class to learn biblical, practical ways to manage money and get out of debt.
  4. Disaster Relief: Give financially or go to a place where a natural or man made disaster has happened.
  5. Generosity Account: Create an account (bank, piggy bank, etc.) and add money to it weekly, monthly or whenever you are able. Take and give funds form it when the Lord directs.
  6. Resource Revamp:  Have a driver’s license and a car?  Offer a ride to someone in need. Have tools and woodworking skills? Offer help on a home improvement project.  Skilled with computers? Help an older person in technical need.
  7. Create Margins:  Stop spending every penny you earn.  Lower your monthly costs by making sacrifices so you have financial margins with which to be generous.
  8. Spend the Leftovers:  Set aside your giving money from each paycheck first.  Maye have it come out electronically so you can’t spend it. Spend your leftovers after being generous instead of trying to be generous with what is left over.

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COMMUNITY - My interactions with the Church are rooted in love.
  1. Small Group: Commit to attending a weekly small group in your church.
  2. Gossip Check: Take 30 minutes and think through your conversations in the last week. Have you said something about someone or to someone you shouldn’t have? Fix it.
  3. Mentor Match: Spend time with someone in the church who needs help growing in their faith. Look for someone who might be a little less mature in their walk of faith than you.
  4. Hospital Run: Find out the name of someone in the church who is in the hospital or stuck at home due to health. Stop by and read Psalm 121 to them and then pray for them.
  5. Attend Consistently: Make missing weekly church service rare occasion.  Treating church as optional will inevitably lead to treating it’s people as dispensable.
  6. Recognition and Honor: Encourage your church leaders with notes or gifts.  Make sure your publicly praise more than you privately complain.
  7. Gratitude Card: Write a note of thanks to a teacher, mentor, volunteer or staff person who has helped you in some way.  Try doing this every week or every other week.
  8. Blessed to Bless:  Look in the World>Blessing Rhythm and pick any of the ideas there and do it for someone in your local church.

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SERVICE - I use my gifts/talents to grow the church.
  1. Serving Team: Find a team in your church where you can use your gifts and talents and join it.
  2. Weekend Clean Up: Arrange to stay after the last service one Sunday and help clean the church building.
  3. Parking Lot Scamper: Gather your small group or another group of friends and spend an hour or two walking through the parking lot of your church campus. Pick up trash.
  4. Don’t Walk By:  See something out of place in the church? Pick it up and put it where it belongs, even if you didn’t use it. Stop thinking: It’s not my job.
  5. Staff/Volunteer Surprise: Surprise the church staff with a mid-week lunch or snack.Or surprise a weekend volunteer team with a treat before or after the service.
  6. Talent Transition: What are you really good at doing at your place of work?  Find ways you can use that sill/talent to help someone in the church or the church at large.
  7. Date Night Set-Up: Find a couple in the church that could use a date night and stress relief and offer to watch their kids so they can go out and have some time alone.
  8. Dinner Party:  Host a dinner party at your home for a few people from your local church that you don’t know very well.  It could be volunteers from a specific ministry or just random people.
  9. Office Projects:  Find out what weekly work is done in the church office and volunteer to do some during your free time.

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FAMILY - My faith overflows first and foremost in my home.
  1. Apologies: Think through your family interactions this week. Is there any behavior you need to apologize for? Make it right.
  2. Operation World: Get a copy of the book Operation World by Jason Mandryk and pray through it as a family. Make games guessing the population of countries and such.
  3. Family Night: Once a week gather the family together and play a game then discuss a topic.  Play for fun, not conquering and pick a topic that is relevant to the whole family.
  4. Vision Picture:  As a family, decide what the 5-7 most important values are to your family (Love, adventure, generosity, outdoors, etc.). Draw, cut from magazines, paint, etc. a collage that has each value illustrated.
  5. Highs/Lows: Sit in a circle and have each person share their low, that is, the worst part of their day or week.  Then go around and have each person share their high, that is, the best part of their day/week.
  6. Family Interviews:  Make a video recording of each person in your family.  Ask them questions about their favorites and likes. Watch one video per night and celebrate that person.
  7. Make a 2nd Meal: Make a meal together, but make two sets of the meal.  Eat one meal as a family and take the other to a family in need or in crisis.
  8. Adopt a Friend: Find a friend of on of your children who does not have a dad or mom, or has a rough home life.  Invite them to join your family for meals, trips, family fun nights, etc.

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READINESS - I prepare my mind & heart for interaction with others.
  1. Storytelling: Learn to tell Bible stories like Jesus. It will grow your bible knowledge and usability.  Go to Saturation Global or email Jim Thurber:
  2. Gospel Colors Outreach: Learn to share the gospel using colors. They have many different tools for sharing. Email: Alyssa Seed
  3. Pray for Opportunities: Pray daily that the Lord will bring you opportunities to love those who don’t yet know Jesus.
  4. My Story: Spend some time preparing how to share the story of how God has made a difference in your life. Prepare a 90 second and 5 min version.
  5. Open Questions:  Memorize a couple open-ended questions you can ask a person that will turn a conversation into an opportunity to share Jesus. Ex. What has your experience been with the church or God? What factors shape your spiritual life?
  6. Prayer List:  Make a list of people you know that you’d like to see come to Jesus (that’s everyone, right?). Pray specifically and daily for them and for opportunities to share. Pray for yourself too.
  7. Memorize Scripture: Memorize 3-4 Bible verses that share the gospel story. John 3:16, Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, etc.
  8. Pray Against Fear: Ask the Lord to remove fear and replace it with Holy Spirit-led courage to share.  Pray this daily over yourself and others.

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ENGAGEMENT - I look for opportunities to introduce people to Jesus.
  1. Water Cooler: At your work water cooler (or wherever casual conversations happen) ask a coworker you don’t know well how their weekend was, or how their family is doing.
  2. Random Acts of Kindness: Do a random act of kindness for a stranger or a person in your neighborhood.
  3. Frequent Restaurant: Make it a habit to go to the same restaurant at the same time on a regular basis to get to know the waiter/waitress. Ask them about their family and hobbies.
  4. Neighborhood Party: Plan a block party with your neighbors for your neighbors.
  5. Church Invite: Invite a friend/coworker/neighbor to a church service or special event.
  6. Neighborhood List: Make a list of your neighbors’ names and their emails. Walk around and share it with each of your neighbors.  This enables communication for emergencies and for social events too!
  7. Lawn Chair Meet: Sit on your front lawn in a lawn chair, up near the sidewalk. As people walk by, introduce yourself and ask them about themselves.
  8. Sports Team/Hobby: Use your child’s sports team or hobby as an opportunity to get to know others.  Go out for a meal or dessert after the game. Invite them for dinner. PLan a multi-family bbq, etc.

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BLESSING - I find ways to make the world around me better.
  1. Big Tip: Leave a larger than normal tip for your waiter/waitress/delivery person. It doesn’t matter if they deserve it, just bless them.
  2. Teacher Note: Send a note to your child’s teacher/coach/instructor saying how much they impact your child’s life. Maybe give a gift card.
  3. Quick Prayer: Ask your mechanic/barber/bank teller/doctor, etc if there is anything they’d like you to pray about for them..
  4. Disaster Relief: Give financially or go to a place where a natural or man-made disaster has happened.
  5. Weekly Service: Find a way to serve in your community weekly – preferably at the same place.  Build new friendships and watch God give you more opportunities to make Him known.
  6. Simplify Your Stuff: Go through your closet and find good clothes that you don’t need. Find good stuff you have in your home that you can live without. Donate them to a local family in need or to a self-help center.
  7. Hospital/Nursing Home Run: Visit random people in the hospital or in a nursing home.  Ask them to share their life story or share yours. Pray for them. Read scripture to them.
  8. Work Treat:  Bring a treat like coffee or a snack to work.  
  9. Cash Pocket: Keep an amount of money in your pocket ($5, $10, $50, $100).  Ask the Lord to direct you to the person who needs it. Don;t worry about what they will use it for, just give it when you feel God directing you.

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SHARING - I communicate the gospel with others.
  1. Storytelling: Learn to tell Bible stories like Jesus. It’s engaging, effective and not a lecture. or email Jim Thurber:
  2. Gospel Colors Outreach: Learn to share the gospel using colors. They have many different tools for sharing. Email: Alyssa Seed
  3. Simple Testimony: Prepare the story of how God changed your life when you came to Jesus.  Make a 3 minute and a 7 minute version. Pray for opportunities to share it.
  4. Write a Letter: Write a letter to a long-time friend and share with them how the Lord has changed your life and how you’d love them to experience the same thing.  Offer to share more if they are interested.
  5. Partner Power: Grab a friend who knows Jesus and head downtown or to a place with lots of people. Together, look for people with whom you can share the gospel.
  6. Alpha Course: Invite a small group of your friends to your home for a weekly discovery time to discuss question they have about Jesus. Go to and check out their curriculum.
  7. What I Value Most: Share your story of life change online at and then pass it on to someone who needs to hear the gospel.
  8. Perspective Cards App:  Download the Perspective Cards app on your smartphone.  Follow the instructions for a neat way to get into gospel conversations.

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GLOBAL - I am involved in making disciples worldwide.
  1. Kiva: Go to Give to individuals around the world and help them learn trade, get out of poverty and pay back the loan.
  2. Missions Trip: Go on a short-term missions trip with your church or another organization.
  3. Support a Missionary: Give financially to a missionary. Support them in prayer and write emails/letters and send care packages.
  4. Voice of the Martyrs: Go to and read stories of how people are suffering for Jesus worldwide.
  5. Radical Experiment: Go to and use their daily routines to grow your  view of God’s global work.
  6. Write a Letter: Write a letter of encouragement to a missionary that is support by your home church.  Make a habit of it. Try doing one a week or one a month.
  7. Sponsor a Child: Use Compassion International or another Christian agency to sponsor a child.  Your monthly contribution gets them food, both physical and spiritual.Operation World: Get a copy of the book Operation World by Jason Mandryk and pray through it. Ask God what He’d like you do do when a specific country or region becomes a burden on your heart.

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