Week 2

Small Group Study Guide


  • 1 Three Relationships Card for each person in your group. If you don’t have one, go here and use the one on the home page of this site.
  • Group journal
  • Pen or pencil
  • Bible for each participant


(10-15 minutes)

Have each person share a brief report about the Next Step they took from last week: becoming a more focused disciple maker. Use the group journal to remember if needed.


(30-35 minutes)

Before you begin, ask if there are any insights anyone would like to share from their time meditating on Matthew 28:18-20 this past week.

Read: Acts 1:1-9

  1. Summarize what Jesus said in this text.
  2. What is a “witness” and what is their primary job?
  3. From your understanding of what a witness is, what do you suppose is Jesus’ plan for us and how long does His plan last?
  4. If this is Jesus’ expectation for His followers until He returns, where does He expect us to be active?
  5. In understanding the original language (Greek), we see that Jesus intends for us to be His witnesses in all the places mentioned simultaneously. How does one do that? Examples?

BONUS QUESTION: What is the mission statement of our church and how does it fit with Jesus’ command to be His witnesses to the world?


(20-30 minutes)

As a group, spend some time practicing the use of the Three Relationships card.

  1. Pair up and decide which partner is Person A and which is Person B.
  2. For the first 5 minutes, have Person A talk about how they are doing in each of the three relationships. Person B should ask probing questions and help guide the conversation.
  3. For the second 5 minutes, switch roles and have Person B share while Person A asks questions.
  4. Come back together and, as a group, discuss what just happened. Potential discussion items:
    • Describe what happened in your conversation.
    • How easy or difficult was this exercise?
    • How can you use this card to be a witness for Jesus?
    • Name a few people in your life with whom you could use this tool.


(15-20 minutes)

Journal as a group. Give each person 30-90 seconds to share what step they will take this week to use the three relationships concept in their life. The step might be a small one; that’s okay. Write down in your group journal what each person shares and next week there will be an opportunity for feedback. 


Meditate. Throughout the week meditate on Acts 1:1-9. Consider memorizing verse 8.

Pray: Ask the Lord to show you where you can become a better witness and thus fulfill Christ’s purpose for you.

Next Step: Follow through on the Next Step you committed to with the group. Be prepared to share how you did next week.

Take the Assessment: Before group next week, each member needs to go to the Assessment page and complete the Three Relationships assessment.

Bring: When you complete your assessment, you’ll see your results immediately on your screen. You can print that screen to have a paper copy of your results.  Bring them to group next week. You will also get an email with a link to your results.  You can bring your electronic device and use that for your results rather than print it.