Assessment Take the 15 minute assessment below to discover what your next step as a disciple might be! Name*Email* Church Name*Church City, State*Read each statement below and rate yourself. 1 = I’m not doing well. 5 = I’m doing excellent! Try to be honest. If you don't understand a statement, that is likely low for you. 1. Each day I live for the Glory of God, seeking His fame and not my own.*123452. I study, read, or listen to the Bible on my own daily.*123453. I have a daily time of prayer alone with God for a set length of time.*123454. My first response to any situation in life is, “What would God say about this?”*123455. Each day I live in the truth that God loves me.*123456. I know how to clearly share the gospel with someone.*123457. Each day I look for someone to whom I can show the love of Jesus.*123458. I seek ways to use the resources God has given me to help others around me.*123459. I look daily for opportunities to share the gospel with those I don't know.*1234510. I am financially invested in making Jesus' name known in places outside of my local region.*1234511. I listen and respond to feedback even when it comes from a source I may not appreciate (my boss, my children/spouse, difficult person, etc.).*1234512. I regularly set aside a specific amount of money and give it to the church.*1234513. I meet regularly with a small group of believers to mutually grow in our faith.*1234514. I am on a church team and serve the Body of Christ consistently.*1234515. I live a balanced life where my family is a priority.*1234516. Most of the time, I think about eternal rewards in heaven and how I can earn them while here on earth.*1234517. I memorize Bible verses regularly.*1234518. When I have a decision to make, I pray about it and wait until I know what God wants me to do.*1234519. When I discover that an area of my life is not in line with God’s values, I immediately ask God to show me more.*1234520. I have no doubts about Jesus' power in my life and His ability to carry me through each difficulty in life.*1234521. I understand the importance of the gospel to the world.*1234522. When I run my typical errands, I keep my eyes open for ways I can help those with whom I cross paths.*1234523. When I travel through my community, I think about new ways that I can show the love of Jesus to others.*1234524. In my circle of friends/acquaintances I regularly share my faith in Jesus.*1234525. I consistently pray for the work of Jesus around the world.*1234526. I have people in my life that can speak brutal truth to me about myself and I regularly welcome their input.*1234527. I intentionally live below my means so that I can make resources available to further the Kingdom of God.*1234528. I gather together with the local body of believers to worship God on a regular basis.*1234529. I know what my spiritual gifts are and use them to serve others.*1234530. I spend regular time with my family. If I don’t live near them, I still communicate regularly with them.*1234531. I regularly see the hand of God in my life and spend time thanking Him for what He is doing.*1234532. When I hear a new word from the Bible, I immediately try to live it out.*1234533. I regularly ask others to pray for things happening in my life.*1234534. I seek to honor the Lord in my life more than I seek to honor other people.*1234535. I know who the Holy Spirit is and how I can access His power in my life.*1234536. Using specific scriptures, I am able to show someone their need for salvation.*1234537. I open my home to others in order to share the love of Jesus.*1234538. In the last month, I have sacrificially given directly to someone in need.*1234539. I invite people I know to church ministries, events and/or functions.*1234540. I set aside time each year to go on a missions trip outside of my local region.*1234541. I meet regularly with a small group of people that truly hold me accountable to live my life for Jesus.*1234542. I treat all resources as if they belong to God and I am His steward of His resources.*1234543. Knowing the devastation it causes, I avoid gossip, evil reports and talking poorly about others in the church.*1234544. When an opportunity to volunteer for an event or ministry is announced, I look for ways to get involved.*1234545. If someone watched my behaviors with my family members, they would get a good idea of how Jesus loves His family.*1234546. I often find myself sharing what I see the Lord doing in my life or the lives of others.*1234547. I meet with others regularly to study the Bible, outside of weekend services.*1234548. My prayers to God include praises and thanks, not just requests.*1234549. I regularly listen to the Holy Spirit and do what He tells me to do.*1234550. I am aware of the spiritual battle going on around me and actively participate in that battle using God-given tools.*1234551. I spend time each day asking the Lord to prepare my heart for those He will put on my path that day.*1234552. I am intentionally involved in community events/teams/hobbies so that I can regularly rub shoulders with those who don't yet know Jesus.*1234553. My neighbors would say that I am a blessing to those who live around me.*1234554. I keep invite cards and other tools on my person so I am ready to invite people to church functions.*1234555. I read/watch resources (email, blogs, newsletters, etc.) that regularly inform me of what God is doing around the world.*1234556. I earnestly and honestly seek input in my life in areas where I have weakness and/or attitude issues.*1234557. I am open to having others look at the way I handle my resources and offer me suggestions.*1234558. I am always on the lookout for ways I can help grow others up in the Body.*1234559. I am helping the church grow by using my talents and applying passions.*1234560. I speak to my family members in private the same way I speak to them in public.*1234561. I often find myself daydreaming about new ways I can make a difference for God in the world.*1234562. When I have an issue in life, I first check what the Bible has to say about it.*1234563. My conversations with God happen all day long as I go through my day.*1234564. On a regular basis, I spend time alone with God asking Him to reveal areas of my life where He wants to grow me.*1234565. I know my Heavenly Father gives good gifts and I seek to receive those blessings in my life.*1234566. I have spent the time to learn a gospel tool to assist me in sharing the gospel clearly.*1234567. I have friends outside of the church who I am investing time in, hoping and praying for their salvation.*1234568. I am patient and kind with people who annoy me, get in my way or interrupt my plans.*1234569. I regularly tell others the different ways Jesus has changed my life.*1234570. I communicate often with believers stationed around the world.*1234571. When someone corrects me in an area of my life, I thank them and commit before the Lord to make things right.*1234572. I regularly look for opportunities to give to people in need, give extra to a Godly cause or to bless a member of the church.*1234573. An outsider would know I am a follower of Jesus because of the way I love and treat others in the church.*1234574. I come to weekend services not only to grow spiritually, but I also look for ways to help others in their growth.*1234575. I intentionally seek opportunities to serve my family and to serve with my family.*12345PassionScripturePrayerObedienceIdentityAccountabilityGenerosityCommunityServiceFamilyReadinessEngagementBlessingSharingGlobalGod ScoreWorld ScoreChurch Score