Week 1

Small Group Study Guide


  • One Group journal (find a notebook to be used each week for group notes)
  • Pen or pencil
  • Bible for each participant

Disciple-Making & Mission

(30-45 minutes)

Read: Matthew 28:18-20

  1. Describe the context of this quote by Jesus. Where was He in His ministry?
  2. When reading the original language (Greek) we discover that there is only one command Jesus gives here, “make disciples”. How does He describe that we are to do that?
  3. Make a list of Jesus followers, past, present or future, who would be exempt from this command and give the reasons for the exemption.
  4. Why is it that so many Jesus followers are not actively engaged in making disciples?
  5. What should be done about the answers to question 4?

BONUS QUESTION: What is the mission statement of our church and how does it fit with Jesus’ command to make disciples?


(15-20 minutes)

Spend time as a group in prayer. Don’t spend time talking about prayer, do it. Here are tonight’s topics for prayer:

  1. Thank and praise God that He has given us the opportunity to be part of His mission.
  2. Confess your personal lack of disciple-making focus. This can be public or private.
  3. Ask the Lord to use the next seven weeks to mature your group as disciple-makers


(15-20 minutes)

Journal as a group. Give each person 30-90 seconds to share what step they will take this week in becoming a more focused disciple-maker. The step might be a small one; that’s okay. Write down in your group journal what each person shares and next week there will be an opportunity for updates.


Meditate: Throughout the week meditate on Matthew 28:18-20. Consider memorizing it.

Pray: Ask the Lord to show you where you can become a better disciple-maker and thus fulfill Christ’s purpose for you.

Next Step: Follow through on whatever Next Step you committed to with the group. Be prepared to share how you did next week.